
Learn Effective Digital Marketing Strategiesand Ignite Your Knowledge to the Next Level!

Search engine optimization (SEO) has certain basic things you should follow in order to do it right. That's because it can be overwhelming for people to take in all the available techniques, tips, and tricks out there to ensure that their website is fully optimized for search engines; before you can run, you should first learn how to walk and all that. On the other hand, providing helpful, solid, and good content that lots of people in your field will be interested in is still the best way to acquire links and better search engine results page (SERP) ranks.

Applying Common Sense to SEO

You shouldn't just read every last tip you can get your hands on regarding SEO; you should also know the fundamentals behind some of the recommendations you've read in order to apply them to your website properly and with due knowledge of their inner workings. A lot of SEO is all about common sense, not just fancy coding and data manipulation to the point of astroturfing your website.

  • Include Keywords Everywhere in Your Website: When naming your website's domain, you should have the common sense to name it in such a way that your visitors can immediately know what it's about at a glance. This is something that seems obvious, but many people neglect to do. Instead of getting the AjaxCorp.com domain if you're selling widgets, why not buy AjaxWidgets.com instead?

You should integrate your most important keywords into the address from the get go, because unless your company has a strong brand like Pepsi or Apple, people will have no idea what you're selling. It's also helpful for your visitors and search engines to know what deeper pages and categories are found within your website before clicking from one page to another. Therefore, you should include keywords in your navigation to help smoothen out the entire user experience.

  • Coming Up with the Proper Keywords and Description Tags: You should learn how to think like a person searching through Google, Bing, or Yahoo when coming up with potential keywords to use for your website. Don't lazily shoehorn popular or trending keywords to your site; instead, act like you're looking for a website like yours and come up with the first words that come to mind when typing search terms on the search bar.

Descriptions and titles are also important, because no matter how high up your website is in the SERP, if you have a bland title or description, users will still skip over your entry in favor of a site with better description tags. You should again put yourself in your audience's shoes and create tags that clearly state your website's purpose and identity to your visitors in a snap.

  • File Folder Usage: Moreover, just as labeling or filing Music CDs, DVDs, tangible documents, digital documents, and whatnot helps make it easier to sort everything out, you should also use folders and a simple categorizing scheme to keep track of your website's most important files and content. You should be more organized with your web content because your website itself will reflect how organized you are.

You should apply an organizational structure to your web content so that you can properly archive them as well as ensure that your visitors are up-to-speed with updates and whatnot. Make your website more user-friendly by making it easier for users to find your content. Content Management Systems (CMS) have been developed specifically to streamline organizing your web content, so you should make use of this feature to your advantage.

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