
Learn Effective Digital Marketing Strategiesand Ignite Your Knowledge to the Next Level!

Creating SEO friendly blog posts is a different game altogether. More than your excellent writing abilities it needs a few technical skills to let it rank high in search engines and make it generate heavy traffic towards your blog posts. We have discussed here the basics that are required for creating SEO welcoming blog posts. Take a look and improve your knowledge.

The titles of your posts

The first thing that you must pay attention to in order to make your mark in the sector of SEO is to create apt titles. Each post of yours must be accompanied with a chic and professional title. It is not required at all to be highly artistic or philosophic when you think about your post titles. Rather, you need to be practical and realize what the viewers might write on their search bars, so that they land up directly to your post. It should be simple and to the point rather than unnecessarily flowery. Moreover, the healthier practice will be to include your primary keyword in the title. This attempt will acts as a bridge for the external users and drive them towards your posts.

The description and introduction

The next important section of your post or content is the description or the introduction part. This will never be the way we have written our school essays. Rather, SEO post description will be concise. It should give the direct hint of what is there in the unfolding story. This introduction part is actually the platform that will generate traffic and create social footprints for you. So, limit the description to a maximum of 160 words, which is actually the demand of most search engines. Be careful to include your primary keyword at least once and the secondary ones at least once in this part as well. Opt for simple and short sentences instead of the complex and lengthy ones or your readers will lose interest to read further.

Correct use of keywords

Keywords are what count the most for a SEO based posts. You must need to assume the exact proportion of keywords in the write-ups you create, so that they generate positive traffic. Unfortunately, there are no fixed numeric counts that will prompt you on the number of times you should incorporate the same in your content. However, the percentage count is generally from 2% to 5%. Most search engines prefer the lower count. So, adhere to this basic parameter and distribute the occurrence of keywords uniformly all over your content.

Placing keywords correctly

After getting an approximate idea on the frequency of keywords in your posts, the next important thing is to know exactly where your keywords should occur so that your posts rank high in search engines. It is mandatory that you hide your keywords wisely enough in your content, in such a manner that they do not look forcibly imposed. If they are placed very closer to each other they will make your content look robotic and the interest of the readers in the same will decrease.

Adhere to the exact percentage stated above or else your post will get afflicted by spams instead of positive footprints. Be alert that together with the presence of the primary keyword in the heading section, keywords placement throughout the post must be uniform and equally spread out. Include the major keyword in the first paragraph and at the last line of the content. Now, for the rest of the article, spread the primary and secondary ones should be placed in such a way that the former appears at least four to five times in the middle body along with one secondary keyword each in intermittent gap.

Create links with important words

A blog post that has a number of links with earlier posts looks more professional and well researched. So, prioritize on this fundamental and create links with words that you assume will be the top finds of the web users. Simple instances of such words may be SEO, iPhone, technology, hair care, skin, celebrity and so on. Hence, whenever the linked page opens up and readers read through it, the linked words will stick out of the page. Now, there are fair chances that a percentage of these readers will click back on these links and land up in your page. It is needless to say that these are your bonus users, who might create backlinks on your page if they like your posts.

Apply tags with your write-ups

Tagging is an extra benefit given by a number of blog platforms. Use it as much as you can as this generates traffic. To be honest, tagging has a greater edge as it influences both human readers as well as search engines towards your posts. For instance, tags work great for Google search engines as it recognizes them easier and boost your ranking. However, a note of caution on this is that never create too many tags with your contents. Search engines suspects the presence of unrelated topics with your posts and assumes that you have tried to deceive the system and get higher ranking if there are too many tags . So, they penalize such attempts heavily. Experts in this field suggest that it is best to restrict to five to ten tags only in content so harness its benefits and avoid getting penalized by search engines.

Study the popularity of the search terms

While creating primary and secondary keywords for your posts along with the links you need to guess a lot which are the words that might be popular ones and are supposed to get highest clicks. But, the guessing game is over now. Take the help of advanced web- tools, such as Google Insights. These dedicated tools will do the research for you in the most concrete and full proof manner and give you reports on the key words relevant with your content. Now, you will have a clearer picture on the effective keywords for your purpose.

The steps we have compiled here are sure shot methods that help your post get noticed in the web world. Carry on with your own research and keep in mind all these points while you create a SEO post. We assure that you will be amazed with the rewarding result.

Contact us today and receive a free consultation.

About the author: Diana Maria is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on technology, health and parenting. Beside this she is fond of games and gadgets. She also likes reading various articles on ecofriend.com

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