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Are You a Chump or a Trump? (1/2)

Posted By: Johan Hedin About the author

Donald Trump is a real estate mogul. The man knows how to get what he wants, knows how to make a sale, and definitely knows what’s important when it comes to converting a sale. In your business, it would be best if you had this mentality and a drive to succeed like this man has. If you’re not worried about website sales conversion, you’re not really into your business. Give yourself a pat on the back if you’re still reading, because that means that you care and want to learn what works for website sales conversion.

Take baby steps. First, get people to ‘click here to read more’ or ‘find out how to win [item] here’. Get them interested in more of your site. The deeper they go, the more likely they are to complete the process rather than walking away. Focus on these baby conversions, and you’ll be able to get full conversions much easier. What if you can’t complete the conversion online? Well, you need to do everything that you can to keep your visitor interested and engaged. Try opt-in forms to get more information about your visitors as well as enabling them to learn more about your product or service. This is not nearly as forceful as a hard sell, and will appear more like a concern that you want them to know more on a personal level.

Don’t force customers to sign up for anything or register to read your information or see your products. Make it easy to use and they will keep using it. If you play hard to get, they’ll likely get frustrated and walk away. You need to give people a very good reason to get into contact with you or to continue on through the website sales conversion process. When people come to your site, they want information. Give them the tools and accessibility to get what they want. Otherwise, they’ll find another site that will give it to them.

You have to stand out to get noticed. Remember this, and you will be successful. You might have twenty competitors that you’re aware of, but you have to give your visitor something different from what they have to offer. You need to make an impact in order to get noticed, and you need to be noticeable to succeed at website sales conversion. Read more tips in part 2 of this article to learn more about website sales conversion.

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