Just recently, Google launched "Search Plus Your World", a new search initiative designed to make sweeping, board changes in the way Google goes about delivering its search results. In general terms, Search Plus Your World is a more "sociable" way of conducting searches. To be more specific, searches will not only be considering factors such as factoids and data, but also user relationships and personal interests. It takes into account the ever-growing social media trend into search engine form, which once again makes Google Search a one-of-a-kind engine that caters to every aspect of user search.
The Newest Frontier in Google Search
Although Google search has always been renowned when it comes to scouring for that needle in a haystack composed of billions of websites, news, videos, images, and the like, it's the kind of company that wants to always be one step beyond its competition, even to the point of thinking out of the box and searching new frontiers to conquer. On that note, Search Plus Your World has been developed to take into consideration not only your personal searches, but also the information and media shared to you by the people you know as well as the stuff the people you don't know (but might want to) all in one search box. These "social" searches conducted by Search Plus Your World should allow Google users to integrate Google+, Google's relatively popular and recently established social network, with the Google search engine.
In the same way Facebook as a social network has helped propagate all sorts of web content ranging from Internet memes to viral videos, so too will Search Plus Your World combine the powerful searching capabilities of Google with the growing social network of Google+. Furthermore, with a single flip of the toggle switch, users can activate and deactivate personal results, so they're always in control with how they're going to go about searches. Search engine optimization (SEO) companies have long been taking care of the social networking aspect of SEO, but it's usually done as a separate job that entails setting up a personal account for, say, Facebook and doing their best to entice the existing Facebook user base to patronize the account.
The SEO Impact of Search Plus Your World
This is the first time the search engine itself is taking into consideration the personal connections and preferences of a user's friends into the end result, so of course this will naturally have a big impact in the way these SEO service providers will go about optimizing a given website. With that said, it's still a bit too early to measure just how much change will be taking place, but there are already several things SEO firms can expect in the upcoming months. Nielsen alleges that friend recommendations are more trustworthy (90% of people trust them) when compared to search results (about 42% of people trust them), which probably explains Google's decision to launch Search Plus Your World.
At any rate, because of Search Plus Your World, email marketing will probably have a bigger influence in the future of SEO compared to the past thanks to its ability to encourage social shares and other positive networking actions. Email auto-responders, viral content, and anything memetic in nature will have a much greater impact now that something like Search Plus Your World exists. Meanwhile, expect low quality link building to become obsolete in niches where active audiences and communities thrive. Ranking will now be determined by high quality link building in general. "Social approval" will become a bigger deal than ever before as well.
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[…] « Search Plus Your World and Its SEO Consequences January 27, 2012, 11:02 […]