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As the social media sites is entering the market and the search engines tend to boost websites who participate in these sorts of websites, how can your website utilize social bookmarking websites to your advantage?

There is currently a big buzz around the terms social bookmarking and due to its fairly new introduction to the market, many people are confused as how to go about market effectively in these web 2.0 sites. For those new to this term, a social bookmarking website is a site where users can post their own article information from their own site/blog and other people can vote on them. If many people vote on your content, then your article will be visible on the main page of the site, which could translate to ten thousands and even more users to your website. However, usually your article will not stay there for very long as there are many other sites posting articles all the time and wanting this position.

How to Maximize the Results in Social Bookmarking Websites

To most effectively market yourself in these social bookmarking websites, it is very important to not spam in these communities.You first need to lurk around on the website to get a feel for the atmosphere. Once you have a better understanding of the culture on this social bookmarking website, you can introduce yourself. Remember to not only make postings of your own information but to be active and vote for other people as well.When you are very active and give lots of credit to other sites, people will respect you more and more. As a consequence, they will start voting on your information. If you just post your own information and if they are full of self promotion or low quality content, you can expect your site to be banned from this social bookmarking website.

Another important element is to lurk around on various websites and find one in your niche. The reason why you should use one in your niche, is because the competition is less and also it will be easier to build up your profile as an expert in the field. Once you have been on a social bookmarking website as an active and responsible user, many users would like to syndicate your information on their websites. So the key is not only to appear on the main page of the social bookmarking website but to distribute quality and useful content which the users will like and therefore, they will syndicate all your new postings on their website. This can become extremely powerful advertising tool, so make sure you do your research first before you post and becoming active in the social bookmarking website. Not only will it bring traffic but the referrers will also trust you more. This will results in more sales for your business and could lead to long term relationships.

So how many social bookmarking websites should you participate in? Do not get involved in lots of websites as you will not be able to keep up a quality profile in the long term. I would recommend to pick max 3 niche websites to focus your efforts on. You will find out that this will take up lots of your time already.It is very important to build authority so keep watching what people vote on the most.Also look at the big guys in that social bookmarking site and try to emulate their techniques and writing style.

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