In order to truly go about the proper search engine optimization (SEO) of your website, it first needs to be a great site from the start. As Google itself would emphasize time and again, a great site with interesting content, a wonderful user experience (user-friendliness, if you will), and functional design with few bugs or glitches will always rank well in the search engine results page (SERP) rankings of any given search engine.
A Great Website Produces Great SEO
To be true, in order to improve the SEO of your site, you should have a webpage that deserves a good ranking in the first place. Forcing SEO on a low-quality website will only result in lots of visits but no lasting impact on the visitors or actual profit. Concentrating exclusively on SEO without any regard for the quality of the site itself is like hyping up a product with no payoff for the customer because your merchandise is inferior.
What's the point of having lots of backlinks from popular websites or social networks if the site you're advertising is bland, uninteresting, and something no one would visit on their own had you lacked links from reputable sites and the like? It's a bait and switch. It's a hard sell. The most effective method of SEO entails creating relevant links to quality content that will pique the user's interest. The only thing SEO does is to make more people aware that your site exists; it can't fool them into thinking that it's good.
The Appearance of Your Website is Important
No amount of keyword density, footer linkage, anchor text, or other SEO techniques can change the fact that site quality is crucial. In order to get paying customers to your site, you have to make your site worthwhile. With that said, the appearance of your website is essential as well. Your site must be professional-looking, polished, and appealing to the eye.
A site that has a cluttered look or seems to belong in a bygone era wherein horrendous fonts and animated GIFs were all the rage will make all your SEO efforts go to waste. First impressions last, so your site must offer a good reflection on your services, products, company, and brand. Don't make your site too flashy, and don't put in anything that takes too long for the computer to load either.
SEO Guidelines to Site Web Design and Development
Your site must look good and provide a good user experience at the same time. You can do this by making good use of color (use only two or three primary colors that blend well and create the proper mood for your company), easy-to-read text (black text on white background is the ideal combination), meaningful graphics (use them moderately), quality photography (adds visual appeal in a straightforward manner), and simplicity (a minimalist design is best).
As for content, that can make or break your site too. The first hurdle to website success is its look, while the web content can determine whether you'll really get to capture your audience or not. People are looking for relevant information, and if your website can't provide that, then they'll simply leave. You should make sure that your info is updated regularly while keeping your web copy as short and organized as possible. Great grammar is par for the course.
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