Because tags used to help in garnering top page ranks, webmasters and spammers soon abused them to the point that search engines have placed less importance in such tags. Truth be told, not every website that adds the "California insurance" tag into their keywords tag can attain a top ten ranking within the results for "California insurance. Nevertheless, tags in general are still invaluable when it comes to SEO.
History of Tags and SEO
In the early days of the Internet, keyword tags have a great impact on a website's ranking within any given SERP (search engine results page). Nowadays, keyword tags have relatively little to no influence on where a website with appear on a given search engine's index. Site relevancy, back links, and relevancy have become the bigger priority for search engines at present when it comes to the ranking of a site in their SERP.
What's more, the influence of keyword tags on search engines at present depend on a variety of factors, including the kind of search engine an Internet marketer is targeting and the changing assessment that search engines place on such tags. Certain search engines still put stock on tags, and as a result, tags still remain a way to acquiring traffic from those places. More to the point, tags are less of a factor for search engine algorithms and more of a factor for the users browsing through the SERP.
The Importance of Description Tags
Adding tags matter because it's the first thing a user sees when searching for websites on a typical SERP. It also shapes his first impression on your website as well. It pays to make sure that your tags make sense. Tags should show the user on the SERP what your site is all about at a mere glance. There are a lot of other meta tags you can use to increase the traffic influx to your site too.
Don't worry so much about the keywords tag; instead, concentrate on the description tag that (again) summarizes what your website contains in a nutshell. The description tag is often what's mostly shown to users whenever they search on Google. As such, if you get the title and the meta description in pretty good shape, people will oftentimes see that in the search result and they'll say to themselves, "This is exactly what I'm searching for."
Why Tags Are More Organic
Tagging puts the definition of your website in the hands of the public. What this means is that in theory, tagging is a lot more organic and accurate than meta tags or material that's owned and managed by the site owner when it comes to letting the user judge the relevancy of an object (video or image) or website relative to the search query. Other forms of tags, like social tags from Del.icio.us or Flickr, allow people to categorize information by themselves and share that content based on those tags.
Tagging systems are dependable when it comes to allowing a huge, distinct set of users to collaborate in labeling large, dynamic info systems like a collection of videos, a library of images, the web at large, and so on. In summary, understanding the importance of tags can be useful for webmasters; just don't agonize about them too much, especially when it comes to keyword tags. Coming up with a decent strategy for them and learning what best works for you and your website is the way to go.
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