Social networking sites are becoming more and more popular among the Generation-X category of people. However, most professionals use these social networking sites in some sort of capacity; but wait! According to some experts, these professionals are not following the right approach. It is necessary to take the correct path and try to avoid the common mistakes being made so frequently.
LinkedIn is a very popular social networking site. It may not be as popular as Facebook, but there are quite a few takers of this particular site. LinkedIn is very popular for socializing on the professional front. Creating a professional network, discussing about career prospect, looking for job opportunities are few of the important attributes of LinkedIn. Mastering LinkedIn can be beneficial for those who depend too much on this particular social media sites for professional and career development purpose. In fact, if focused on the current market scenario, LinkedIn can well be considered the most popular social networking platform for professionals. Around 83% of professionals participate in LinkedIn to gain advantage from this social networking site.
Often people commit a lot of mistakes while dealing with this Social Networking Site. These mistakes need to be omitted and the right things should be done to master LinkedIn marketing. Have a look below:
Use LinkedIn more often than only when there is a requirement
Almost 60% users use LinkedIn only for job searching or to look for some better career prospects. But, it can act as a boomerang and cause negative impacts. The LinkedIn profile should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. Try to stay connected to this social networking site more often. It is not only about job searching. Rather, to make the searching more efficient, a more frequent viewer of this site can be beneficial.
A well versed and updated profile is the key
Incomplete profile can play a spoilsport. It will never be able to create any positive impression of the user on this particular social media. When creating a profile, try to fill up every necessary detail in the provided boxes. Try to add names of all necessary companies and include some well-versed description of the past results. Also, try to include some search-efficient keywords to help in quick and easy searching.
Search for the right groups and join those
Before joining groups in LinkedIn, be very careful. It is not a good practice to join simply any group available. Deciding on the group to join is very important. It can so happen that a user may not join any other group apart from the alumni ones. Yes, joining the school, college, sorority, or fraternity alumni group can be highly beneficial. The next step should be joining some particular industry group. It can be highly beneficial both for the user's own company as well all the necessary customer market segments.
Try to share more of the valuable content
Sharing a well-versed and informative blog post or company white paper on the LinkedIn feed can be highly beneficial. A user can also share some important and useful content from different other sources besides his/her own. However, only post those articles and links that the user thinks will be informative and attract the audience. This can prove to be a positive effort from the user's side and can place him/her as a thought leader. It can also generate several quality leads straight from LinkedIn.
Building your own connections
Very important. Don't ever wait for something before the need becomes a burden. Try to accept and add connections continuously only from people that you know personally and professionally. It is not recommended to connect with people that are unknown.
Try to utilize most of the LinkedIn Answers
Often, LinkedIn Answers section is highly underutilized. However, one must know that the LinkedIn Answers section is a very valuable place to show the user's expertise and provide valuable content. It is this section where people/audience will expect proper solution to their queries. Naturally, they will place some questions in this section for some positive and proper answering. If the user frequently answers to these people's queries, an Answering Forum will be created. This will be beneficial in popularizing the user. The user can also add useful links to all those important contents for effective back-up solution. The LinkedIn Answers is extremely beneficial in generating leads over the time.
Make the team members join the network
It can be highly beneficial if a user asks his professional unit to join as a team to the LinkedIn profile. This can help in generating higher leads. More professional groups will soon join the network of the user.
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