
Learn Effective Digital Marketing Strategiesand Ignite Your Knowledge to the Next Level!

SEO or search engine optimization is among the most common strategies used for online business promotion. Companies these days either employ full time SEO consultants to optimize their sites or simply outsource this task to any competent company. Earlier, getting higher search engine rankings were all expected from the internet marketing efforts, however, you are required to explore and use several other things and practices. Further, even the companies have better awareness about the performance regarding their SEO efforts and demand for a detailed report for their ROI via SEO. This includes monitoring yours and your competitors’ SEO strategies and internet marketing efforts. This is possible by using different online tools as discussed under.

Google Analytics

This is among the most common tools to track the SEO efforts, which comes for free. It has several web analytic features which help you in generating a number of useful reports for your business based on several keywords, click through rates, demographics, landing page optimization, etc. It can be used by different individuals belonging to small and medium size businesses. It simply integrates flawlessly with your Google webmaster account and renders you a number of useful information helpful in tracking the SEO efforts.


This is among the paid tools which render you enterprise class SEO tools simply designed to assist you to become an ace versatile marketer. It gives you a thorough analysis of your search engine optimization efforts of yours and your competitors as well. This report carries the analysis of keywords which your competitors are using along with knowing the source of their traffic and other relevant details. This is among the most useful tools both in the perspective of SEO and for the overall internet marketing strategies.


This tool offers you both the SEO management as well as the social media monitoring (SMO) options in a single package. This enterprise level tool simply offers you a competitive analysis and several on page suggestions, which helps you in monitoring the competition and make necessary changes in your strategy. Thus it helps you in making your site more visible in different search engine results. It is available for free for 30 days, which can give you a better idea about its worthiness. Once you explore and use it in the free trial, you can think of using at a monthly subscription of 99 dollars.


This is among the paid tools which caters more number of features than any other free tool. The competitor manager program found in Raventools helps you in keeping an eye over your competitors’ sites. It renders the users a number of details including domain authority, Google page rank, quality score, etc. These all attributes are important in any online success of a site and give you the information of your competition. This can therefore help you in giving a good boost to your various marketing efforts outcome.


This is among the free desktop application which helps you in checking the ranks of your chosen keywords in multiple search engines. CuteRank is a very useful program which automates the tiresome process of rank checking making it a simple job.


If you are keen to leverage the major search engines to improve the visibility of your targeted keywords, then you are supposed to keep an eye over yours and your competitors SEO efforts on a frequent basis. The above SEO tools will help you a lot in carrying out this task without much hassle.

Contact us today and receive a free consultation.

About The Author: Diana is a writer/blogger. She loves writing guest post, travelling and meets new peoples.

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