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Instead of concentrating on your heading text, reciprocal links, and keyword-laden content to make your website rise up in the search engine results page (SERP) rankings, you should now focus your attention on your Facebook fan page's search engine optimization (SEO). When it comes to boosting Facebook SEO, you need to tread your path carefully. Facebook is one of many websites that has a nofollow policy wherein direct linking your website to your fan page will not yield any SEO-related value.

The Reality of SEO Today in Light of Social Media Dominance

Because many Internet users are social media addicts nowadays, it's only natural for SEO firms to shift their attention towards making use of sites like Facebook for the sake of improving SERP rankings. However, no matter how popular your fan page is, the nofollow policy deters you from using it to boost your webpage's SEO stock, so to speak. This was probably implemented by the Facebook administration to keep spammers from using Facebook to boost up their webpage rankings.

The vast Facebook user base is a wide, untapped audience that's waiting to be unleashed. Because the nofollow policy of Facebook will be in effect for the foreseeable future, more and more businesses are moving away from traditional websites in order to give their Facebook pages a shot in reaching their potential customers through social networking itself (which is probably another reason why the nofollow policy was implemented).

Tips on Branding Your Facebook Fan Page to Your SEO Advantage

Thanks to the interactive nature of social media, business owners now have an online advertising medium wherein they could get feedback straight from the customers themselves. In a customer service perspective, using Facebook to gain a wider audience is a wise decision. However, Facebook fan pages muddy the waters from a standpoint concerning SEO. To help your fan page help you, implementing a branding scheme is recommended.

To be more specific, branding is the method used to bypass the anti-spam nofollow policies of Facebook when it comes to SEO and your Facebook fan page. It comes in the form of a logo, a slogan, and how your products' packaging is designed. Even your ad campaigns and commercials should somehow reflect this uniform brand you have. The same should be true with your website and your Facebook fan page. Your page design should reflect the brand identity of your entire company in order to strengthen your brand.

Your Facebook Fan Page Still Requires Branding to Work

Even if your fan page's link to your website won't count in improving its SEO, its uniform branding will help draw in SEO-relevant hits in a different manner. Instead of concentrating on technological links, you should instead create psychological ones. It's also a great idea to get multiple links from different sources (i.e., your followers and fans). Links are like recommendations, and the more recommendations you get, the more popular your page will be.

More to the point, if you have a popular Facebook fan page that has a strong brand and advertises your company well on those merits alone, you won't even need an SEO-friendly direct link to your website to draw in customers. You should push your brand or business name in your Facebook fan page. The custom tabs, custom URL, and name of your Facebook page are all ripe for optimization. Put in keywords there and push your company brand through these avenues in order to truly leave an impression on your Facebook audience.

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